Das Atelier von Ernst Handl befindet sich im Herzen von Berlin Kreuzberg. Es ist zugleich Sitz seines Unternehmens handl.e pictures. 

Nach Plänen des Berliner Medienarchitekten Julius Kranefuss wurde die gesamte Etage zu einem neuen Raumgefüge arrangiert und dient seitdem als Raum für Workshops für bis zu 30 Personen sowie Vorträge.

Photos: Sittig Fahr-Becker
Abb.: Julius Kranefuss

"The design of the studio is an examination, a dialectic process between context and concept, which’s formula represents a balance between user and usage . The artist Ernesto Handl works on many different media with many different methods, up to social sculpture in form of team building seminars and executive coachings. The requirements for his studio are accordingly complex and user specific. System and function are as important as are creative freedom and productive chaos. (...)

Everything becomes functional, clear and in a redundant sequence arranged to a spatial shape. The functionality of the spatial shape has to be considered only as the spine of human imperfection, though. Through mobile and movable elements the room can be adjusted accordingly to different situations. Glass walls enable wide viewing axes in the room but create also a reserved spatial separation. Spacious closets and storage space offer sufficient room for the artistic equipment and enable free interior space simultaneously. The usage of wood, steel and glass underlines the aesthetic opinion of the artist.”


SALON viermal im Jahresrhythmus

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